Monday, March 24, 2008

Success with NativeAccent Web

Here are some tips for using Carnegie Speech NativeAccent Web!

Work Smart!
15 minutes sessions 3-5 times per week will be more effective than 1 hr 15 minutes once a week. The goal here is to create "muscle memory" in your vocal patterns. Repetition is key to success.

Fast Improvement!

Significant improvement in your pronunciation skills can occur in as few as 13 hours. Maximum improvement can take a bit longer.

Listen to the model speaker.
The model speaker button is there as a guide to correct pronunciation. Use this button frequently to model the correct sounds.
Reposition your microphone if you can’t get a positive result!
The speech recognizer is very sensitive. It should be positioned as shown here.

If you are experiencing consistent negative feedback...just advance in the lesson to next word. The program will bring you back later.

Use it or lose it!
You have spent your valuable time learning correct pronunciation. Practice using your new skills in conversation. Your immersion in English will help you to retain your new skills.

Have fun!
Practice when you are fresh. Stop when you get tired.

Don’t be hard on yourself.
Even native speakers don’t get all the words correct. Confidence is your best friend in successful communication.

Report any problems to your facilitator or send an email to